19 January 2010

A blog post in list form.

Things I will miss while in BA:
-Downloading very large files at very high speeds.
-Nintendo 64.
-...probably using the internet for any recreational purpose at all.
-The ability to text and call people whenever I want.
-Being in close proximity to people for whom I care deeply.
-Downstein with Mihir.
-According to a friend, I will miss pepper, tampons, and peanut butter (gonna pack my own!).
-So, so many concerts in NYC.
-fĂștbol americano. Will I ever learn the rules to fĂștbol so I can watch it?

Things I will not miss while in BA:
-Long days spent sitting on my couch in Pittsburgh.
-The cockroach residents of Lafayette 305.
-NYU Trolley.
-Washing my own laundry.
-Stressing about my trip to BA.

Things for which I cannot wait in BA:
-Free gym membership!
-Speaking Spanish everywhere.
-Being fully legal (adios 21, hello 18!).
-The foooood. Oh gosh the food.
-Going to Argentine concerts, cinema, etc.
-The possibility of travel. Really, I just want to ride a horse. Or maybe a pony. Yeah, a pony.
-A host family!
-My classes.
-A sweet exchange rate.

There. A fairly comprehensive set of lists that details what I've been thinking about lately.

02 January 2010

Southwestern PA is not quite Buenos Aires...

Hello, loves.

I guess I'm just creating this post to make my blog look less lonely until I actually have something Buenos Aires to write about. I'm not even in the packing stage yet, so I can't regale you with crazy stories about miniature shampoo bottles and comfortable walking shoes. But soon, ladies and gentlemen, soon! I promise.

Hasta... luego.